The information stored about the attendees
When the position will expire
Total facial price (unit facial price times number of Seats) double precision
Total fee double precision
Fee excluding VAT double precision
Fee VAT double precision
Facial price, formatted with currency double precision
Fee incl VAT, formatted with currency double precision
Fee excluding VAT, formatted with currency double precision
Fee VAT, formatted with currency double precision
Currency formatted total price for the requested # of tickets
The likelihood of the fan to get tickets (percentage) double precision
Is the likelihood of the fan to get his tickets considered low?
Number of Seats
(Random distribution only) Original position rank The rank that was originally assigned to the user before the list of positions was shuffled
A description of the error that lead to FAILURE status
Is personal info required to be able to accept the seats?
Position rank
Position status
Total price or null if Waiting List is free double precision
The payment status
Generated using TypeDoc
Contains position details that are only needed in specific parts of the checkout flow.