What action can be taken next?
Experience (description) (locale => value)
Wether direct sales is enabled for this WL, meaning the fan can receive his seats immediately if available, without the need for manual distribution.
Discount amount
% discount based on price / discount price
Display name (wl name if available, otherwise venue category name)
Event end date
Event image URL
Event name: { string => string }
The information that all attendees should provide to obtain tickets for this WL
Event short name: { string => string }
When the event for this WL starts
Experience name (wish list name) (locale => value)
Fee calculation parameters
(random distribution only) Fixed amount of tickets to be won by a fan
Formatted discount
Formatted original price
True if Waiting List is free, false otherwise.
Fan Group background image URL
FanGroup categories
Fan Group cover image URL
Fan Group ID
Fan Group name: { string => string }
Fan Group profile image URL
Visibility of Rank and Likelihood at fan group level
Group short name: { string => string }
slug of the group (e.g. https://seaters.com/my-slug)
Keywords related to the WL
Maximum number of Seats a Fan can reserve when joining a Waiting List
Minimum number of Seats a Fan can reserve when joining a Waiting List
Original price of a single ticket To be used when calculating the discount (done at backend side)
(random distribution only) End date of contest
Position data or null if Waiting List is not yet joined
Distribution mode - how tickets are distributed
Price breakdown for the # of ordered ticket(s) or for one single ticket
Is seaters currently processing your request?
Translated text explaining how to obtain the code protecting this WL
Join request status
Seat data or null if Waiting List has no seat yet
Seat category
What kind of tickets are distributed
If required, does the attendee info needs to be provided still?
Visibility of price when waiting list is free indicator
(random distribution only) URL to the terms and conditions PDF file
Description, translated in fan's locale
Event description, translated in the fan's locale
Event name, translated in fan's locale
Event short name, translated in fan's locale
Experience name, translated in fan's locale
Fan Group name, translated in fan's locale
Group short name, translated in fan's locale
Venue city, translated in fan's locale
Venue country, translated in the fan's locale
Venue name, translated in fan's locale
Venue short name, translated in fan's locale
Venue city: { string => string }
Venue country: {string =>string}
Venue image URL
Venue name: { string => string }
Venue short name: { string => string }
Always-populated voucher text
Waiting List ID
Waiting list image URL
Waiting List status
Generated using TypeDoc
The way to access this WL